
So, what MSM stories are distracting you today?
R. Kelly? Juss? Kraft?
Trump? AOC?

There is a real feeling of dread building in my soul. And it is for everyone who does not believe in Jesus.
See, something really, really bad is going happen. I feel it.
And a lot of people are going to get hurt.
I am having dreams…
Bad dreams.

Not of me doing anything, something worse, seeing it happen.

Sinkholes opening up and blocks disappearing…
Meteor hitting…

People being run down by strange animals…
Be ready…


Heh…Woke right? Yet you only see ONE of the many distractions that TPTB a.k.a. Illuminati a.k.a. New World Order a.k.a. The System of the Antichrist do to make sure they have it all and we get the crumbs if we are lucky.
I am not mocking or laughing at you, I am praying for you.

This is not directed toward any particular person but if it resonates within you as you read it…

Prepare yourself.

“As it was in the days of Noah…”

What happened to Christians?

So indeed, what happened to Christians? I think many have lost their way, getting caught up in the world. I thought you had to love God and everyone else. Not hard right? I think many choose not to believe because they do not want to be accountable, it always comes right back to that.

If you believe in God then you have to deal with being accountable to him but sinning can be so addictive and some like myself have been too scared to have to sit there and be judged, more so if you know you are doing wrong. I mean you do know right, somewhere inside you do know that you are messing up?

First off, why are you hating others? Because of what? How can you even attempt to bring someone to Jesus when you yourself are not there with Jesus?

Okay, someone is gay. Deal with it, you want to bring them to Christ? Show them love, not condemnation. If someone knows you love them, more so unconditionally, they will listen to your testimony. Once you have one of course. And another sad reality is that you can not save them all.

So when you feel like looking down at someone who is doing wrong? Just remember that you did wrong too, I mean you did have to repent right? You needed to be born again unlike a bird or a fish?

Be nice, stay true to God, get right with Jesus so you can help others to get there. Things are getting really bad and many are going to be left behind once we get snatched up. Get ready and help as many as you can to get ready.


Well hello all.

It has been a while and I figured to add some words out there, maybe someone will take the time to read this.
I have not been able to shake this damn cold that I caught on New Year’s Eve after getting caught in the rain. As I write this (or is it type?) I sill have fever, congested lungs, and sinus issues. I am a little scared because there have been a few people who I know who have died after not showing signs of anything wrong. A couple after having a simple cold.

So if this happens to me here are some words for you.

My son Caleb, read my previous post, there is a lot of information there for you, it is my final gift to you.
To the rest of you I know I have upset a good number of you I pray that you forgive me. I do forgive all those who hurt me in the past. It feels great to let all that go.

Trust in Jesus Christ and be ready, the system is about to take over and most of you will not live thru it.

Jesus is Lord!!!


Well, it has been a long while since I have written anything. That is a shame because a great many things have happened.

Where do I begin, I had my first stroke, hopefully my only stroke and I also have serveral minor heart attacks.

People have lost their minds, just look at the way they treat each other now.

Even the Earth is showing signs of the end.

Caleb Alexander, I am so sorry I was not a better father to you, but know that I think of you, all the time. It makes me cry most times, fighting the tears as I type this.

As your father though, there are things that I am going to ask of you.

Get to know Jesus Christ, not by any person regardless of who it is, read your Bible, let the Holy Spirit talk to you, open up your heart and let him in. He will explain it all to you.

Read John, and Romans as a start, the basics are right there, to get detail history, read Luke and Acts for what the early church had to endure.

Proverbs and Psalms also are a must.

But I beg of you, read Daniel & Revelations, the second is the book that God told Daniel to put away…and Revelations is the only book in the Bible that promises a blessing just by reading it, more so if you hear it.

The other thing I need you to do for me is NEVER raise your hand up to a woman unless in self defence, and even then…

Other than that, trust and believe that we will see each other face to face very soon.

God bless you my son.

Everyone has a gift.

Everyone has a gift.

And I would argue that we have more than one.

I think that if we want to achieve that gift or gifts, we have to nurture it and let it grow. A way to learn how to love yourself for I have always felt that the reason why we fall into a rut and then stay there is fear, and the lack of love for yourself to believe that you can overcome that fear and thus overcoming the rut.
But if you love yourself, you will fight for it. You will always fight for that thing that you truly love, a child, parent, friend, pet, a spouse, a belief.

So if you fight for all that, why not include YOU on that list?

There is no sin you have done or will do that God has not already forgiven you for.

So if he ain’t worried about it, why are you?

Forgive yourself, let it go, and love and live.

“Ya gotta love livin’ while ya livin’ or you won’t love life.” – Esthero.

P.S. And if you do not believe in God, still no excuse to not love yourself. How can you be the best for others if you are not doing and being the best for yourself? But just in case, you can go to www.answer2questions.com for any questions about God and getting saved.

The moment you realize you are mortal…

It has been a good while since I have written something, there has been some soul searching after some physical issues with my heart and my brain, on top of the other stuff I have to deal with.

I do not know how long I have to be on this world, mom died at 58, two uncles are dead, brother is dead, grandparents are gone, and at 51 years old, I am the patriarch of the family and quite honestly I think my time is soon.

I hope that my son sees this, I want him to know that I love him, and I am sorry I was not a better father and dad. some were my fault, some were your mother’s. It is just the reality of the situation. I know you were having problems in school and I also know that you think or were told that I abandoned you and relocated to Puerto Rico. That is not true I have always been in Phoenix, I did try to reach out to your mother a few months after your brother was killed by that drunk driver, she did read my message on FB but she never responded. I also left a message with your sister but I am guessing she did not forward it to you.

Be good my son, never hit anyone unless you are defending yourself, always walk away. Protect your mom and your sisters, pray to God, read your Bible, be humble and have compassion for those who need help.

I will see you one day.

It is not a matter of if, but when.

Well, the Doomsday Clock has moved ever closer to Midnight and it is not a matter of if we are getting closer to the end, it is just a matter of when. As a Christian, I look at this with some mixed feelings. First, the worldly part me want it to be far away, get time to watch the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and of course Godzilla, and maybe Star Wars.  But there is the part of me, which I hope is the greater of the two, that cannot wait to see the return of Jesus to get all this nonsense fixed.

It is painfully obvious that mankind just cannot correct the course he is going down on his own. Think about it, everyone wants peace yet we are so far away from it. And do not point the finger at one particular party or group, it is bigger than that. It is that 1%, (and even if it is that much) that are truly in control that wants this strife.

As we know, these people want all the resources for themselves and damn all of us for even thinking that we should get some to be able to survive.

They control all the inputs that we receive, radio, television, news by far, they determine world finance by manipulating the market and the money. (Something that has been done rather well by the Rothchild Dynasty.) For example here at home in the U.S.A., we have the Federal Reserve, who decides when and how many  ‘Treasury Notes’ are to be released without any kind of backing. (You want to talk about one of the greatest Ponzi schemes of all time.)

Here is how banks work, they take your money in accounts like savings, and other interest-bearing accounts and giving you 1 percent at most banks with some others a little bit higher, then loan that money with rates from 10% to 39% according to your credit rating. Now here is where the fun begins, saying Bank of XYZ has a total cash amount in their vaults of $10,000.00 they will easily loan out $100,000.00. Now they will pay 1% on the $10,000.00 which is $100.00 while charging, at minimum $10,000.00 for $90,000.00 of non-existent money. (Of course, it is more detailed than that, I am just setting this down in layman’s terms.) Now may heaven help you if you cannot pay back this non-existent money because they will take all the tangible items you have to pay this debt.

Disturbing huh? You do better saving your money in your mattress in some situations until that paper money is deemed worthless and I think that day will soon arrive. There will come a day that a can of tuna fish will be much more valuable than $10,000.00 in cash. And someone in desperation will kill you for the can.

Just one of the many tools that ‘The Powers That Be’ will use against the masses. And for those that think that there is no such thing as a ruling elite? Open your eyes and ears, they have become pretty blatant in the way they do things and you may know some of their names, not all because there are those even higher up who truly rule from the shadows.

They have shown their faces when it comes to politics here in the States, also in news, television shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment. You want to look at how a particular society works? Look at the way they entertain themselves. Remember The Roman Empire was at once thought to be the pinnacle of society, yet they entertained themselves with gladiatorial combat and even sacrificing human beings ferocious animals, even children, and infants.

Look at what is not playing on television, there is even a show about the devil walking about on earth, owning a club and assisting the LAPD. There is a television series based on the movie ‘The Exorcist’, reality television starts are ‘role models’ for the youth of today.

Where did it go wrong, well I can name a few in my humble opinion, we have been told that others know better when it comes to raising our own children, and we accepted it. Cell phones for use other than phone calls, I spend so much time on these accursed objects than I care to admit and I know I am not alone.

Spend time with those that you love, spend time with those who have no one to spend time with. That is how we get to a better place, together.

Forgive me for this rant being all over the place, it is what I do. Hahahahaha


I have moments, quite a few over my life where I become very angry with God. Simply because I just do not understand his plan. I become greatly frustrated in trying to understand why things keep happening to me. Some, if not most stem from choices I have made. And of course being human, this is a trap and quite frankly one that we all fall in.

My anger comes from loss. Losing a daughter, a mother, a brother, friends, the ability to work, losing love, and even losing faith. I have even lost things like creativity. But, I am humbled and reminded that there are reasons for everything, lessons if you will. A wise man once said that you learn more from the bad things that happen to you as opposed to the good things that happen. And I truly believe this is true.

I have seen life, I have seen death.

I have seen good, I have seen evil.

I have experienced things that have changed me on a fundamental level, some quite traumatizing and a couple that I have not gotten over and wonder if I ever will. But, all these events have made me into the person I am today. I wish I can say I am a good person through and through, I am not. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, I am not a bad person, stupid, yeah I’ll claim that one but bad or evil? No.

I know I wrote earlier that ‘faith’ is something I have lost. That is not the case today, my faith I have regained. I do backslide, who doesn’t? There is not one Christian who can claim that they do not. If you didn’t, you would not need Jesus. God knows I do.

I am a Christian, and humble about it. It does not put me on a higher pedestal, I and better than no one, regardless of their faith, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Who am I to judge anyone else when I have made a number of pure boneheaded maneuvers in my day. I have friends from various walks of life, and I love them all unconditionally, regardless if we agree on things, or agree to disagree. That is what makes life wonderful.

I do not know what is the purpose of this little rant, but I know these are some dark days and the way it is looking, it is going to get worse so that being said I want to say that I forgive any and all who did me wrong, regardless if I know about it or not, and I also pray that those who I have hurt or did wrong, please forgive me.

For all who read this, and even those who do not, I pray for you, and for those who do not believe in God like I do, please don’t be offended, if I pray for you, it is because I care about you and this is how I express it in the best way possible.

To those of you who I allow in my inner circle, and you know who you are, a special shout out and hugs all around.

May God bless you all and may he bless all those around you.


Wow, just wow. what is wrong with people? Well, I do know what is wrong with people, I just did not know that it would be as bad and as quickly as it has become.

We had some fool run his car into a rally which killed one person as I type this, and I stepped away from the FB group that I used to run because people just can’t get alone, or refuse to get along, who knows.

I know there are a number of people that do not see things as I do but that is fine, my faith does not require them to.

The signs of Jesus’ return points to it happening sooner than later and the sad thing is that a lot of people that I know will not make the Rapture much less make thought the Tribulation.

I pray that those who are left behind figure it out really quickly, but there will be those that will harden their hearts and no matter what they see they will not change.

I weep for those.

I pray for the self-haters, I pray for those who live in a state of anger and denial, I pray for those with addictions, I pray for those who are shut in, I pray for those who have nowhere to stay, I pray for those who have no one, I pray for the afflicted, and I pray for those in pain, physical, mental, & spiritual.

I pray for those I love, even if I do not like you right now, I pray for my family, both those by blood and those who either I have adopted or they adopted me.

I pray for those who have hurt me and betrayed me.

Most of all I pray for my son.